What is Water Manager?

Water Manager is a proudly Western Australian business offering groundwater licence services.

Whether it’s trading water, managing water assets, or installing and reporting on bore meters, we offer hassle-free water licensing services that give our clients peace-of-mind.

Built by BD Water, we also operate the first and only water trading platform in WA.

We can help you keep your water usage compliant with the legislation, enabling conscientious and efficient water use in WA.

Water Trading

If you’re looking to acquire more water, or sell part of your allocation, try Water Manager. Our innovative water trading platform can help you buy and sell water licences with ease and confidence the trade will get approved.

Licence Management

Our licence management services help you better manage your property or project over time, as licence regulations gradually change. Whether it’s a water licence application, renewal, transfer or amendment – we can help.

Bore Metering

We install high-quality and fully compliant bore meters, including our submission of your required documentation to the DWER. We also expertly manage the bore metering required for our customers to remain compliant.

Water Manager Platform

Looking for more water to grow your business? Water Manager can help you find recent licences listed for sale. Find and explore different aquifers available at your property and negotiate prices while purchasing water licences anonymously.

Or maybe you’re looking to profit from your unused water? Water Manager can also help you sell all, or part, of your water allocation with ease. List your own licence for sale, free of charge.

Water Trading

To buy or sell groundwater, you’ll need to understand how water licences work.

Though groundwater is a natural resource, it’s been mapped out and allocated to licensees over time by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER).

Across WA and most of the country, groundwater is over-allocated, which means it’s already owned by various licence holders. So, the only way to access water is by purchasing it from an existing licence.

With Water Manager, you can trade water with your neighbour property owners easily, anonymously, and within the legislation.

Try Water Manager today.

Licence Management

Over time, water needs change. Your water licences may need to be amended or transferred. You may wish to apply for new water licences, or setup temporary water trades for various projects.

Although, managing these changes to your licences can be complex and time-consuming. Not only do your water licences change over time but so do the regulations. You may not have the time to learn how to comply with WA’s changing water regulations.

That’s why we offer water licence management services — so you don’t risk losing the water your business needs into the future.

We can help you manage your water so your business or property can continue to grow.

We are here to help

Our licensing team can help you understand your property’s water needs.

Bore Metering

Water Bores require meters to ensure the water you extract doesn’t exceed your allocation.

All licences in WA of 10,000 kL and above require meters since December 2020, as per the government water regulation. Fines are issued, and water licences are reclaimed by the government, if metering isn’t done right.

We customise our metering service to meet the unique needs of your bores and property. We can offer DWER-approved installation alone – or include the reporting and management of your bore meters.

With knowledge and experience, we can make your bore meters compliant to help you keep your water licences.

What our clients say

We work hard to ensure our clients are satisfied with their water. Here’s what some of our clients are saying:

Associates and Clients

We’re proud of our strong partnerships with our clients and suppliers. Together we strive to make water usage more efficient and beneficial for licensees and the environment.